Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
beanstalker-common Beanstalker is a set of maven-tooling. It includes both an archetype and a plugin.
beanstalk-maven-plugin The beanstalk-maven-plugin is a maven plugin which is an interface for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Service.
lambda-maven-plugin This Maven Plugin Simplifies Deployment of AWS Lambda Functions
apigateway-maven-plugin Beanstalker's support for AWS API Gateway
cloudformation-maven-plugin Beanstalker's support for Cloudformation
cloudwatch-maven-plugin Beanstalker's support for Amazon CloudWatch Logs
elasticbeanstalk-docker-dropwizard-webapp-archetype A Maven Archetype for Publishing Dropwizard-based Services on AWS' Elastic Beanstalk Service
elasticbeanstalk-javase-archetype A Maven Archetype Encompassing Jetty for Publishing Java SE Services on AWS' Elastic Beanstalk Service
beanstalk-maven-plugin-it Beanstalker is a set of maven-tooling. It includes both an archetype and a plugin.